Wanted: Maintainer for Archive::Zip

Alias on 2007-08-08T05:54:23

When I took over Archive::Zip it was to fix a range of bugs that mattered to me.

Windows time bugs, various packaging issues.

I've also refactored it quite a bit to make the general structure of the code less hairy. It works as well as I need it to.

But there's still new bug reports coming in, often with patches or information on how to fix the bugs, and I don't have either the time or the motivation (mostly the time) to deal with them.

So I'm putting Archive::Zip up for adoption, it's time for a new maintainer.

I'm willing to give it a shot.

Shlomi Fish on 2007-08-13T14:40:27


Since I have had a paid commission involving Archive::Zip, and so got interested in it, I'd like to give it a shot of becoming a maintainer for it. I'll need a co-maintainer status for the various namespaces, and repository access. I'll start by committing a patch I submitted to the bug tracker for one of its bugs, and then see how I'll go on from there.

Regards, Shlomi Fish ("SHLOMIF" on CPAN).