For I have a cunning plan...

Alias on 2007-07-16T10:18:22

Step 1 - Collect underpants

Step 2 - Collaborate with Eric Wilhelm++ so that Module::Build becomes a bit less isolated from the rest of the toolchain.

Step 3 - Jedi Mind-Trick Eric into creating an IRC channel so exclusive only the two of us qualify to be in it. Name the channel something toolchain related.

Step 4 - Use the exclusivity to attract all the other toolchain People That Matter into it. Try to avoid having the collection of channel members become equal to the set union of the members of EVERY toolchain and QA-related channel.

Step 5 - Somehow convince Andreas to finally join us in a real-time collaborative environment, because "everyone else is here".

Step 6 - Subtly mention (perhaps in a journal entry) I have a robust and tested solution to repository auto-discovery and selection that I just happened to have written for the JSAN 2.0 client. Get it integrated into the CPAN 1.5 toolchain once everyone has finished digesting the configure_requires: changes.

Step 7 - ...

Step 8 - Profit! No wait... Sleep!

Robust, tested, and undocumented

Ovid on 2007-07-16T10:33:08

I have a robust and tested solution to repository auto-discovery and selection ...

I think you forgot to include "and undocumented" :)

Re:Robust, tested, and undocumented

Alias on 2007-07-16T11:36:00

Well yes, that too. :)

And looking through the code, it's not quite as robust as I'd remembered. Good enough for JSAN, where there's only 30 mirrors.

Not so great for CPAN with 300 or whatever it is now.

I probably need to rejigger the internals to apply some decision making, and scan the mirrors incrementally.