Repository spool up continues

Alias on 2007-05-08T05:19:20

After an entire day spent merging 7 checkouts from 3 different machines into each other and committing, The Open Repository is now up to date with regards to all the changes I have been making to modules in the last few months (although it would appear I got less done than I remember doing, so I might have committed some code into some of my other commercial/project repositories as a temporary thing).

If you keep up to date regularly on any of the modules I look after, please move over to the new URI and update now.

The next step for me is to get a couple of releases done that have been clogging up my head for the last month, and then release a few new modules which will be the basis of the new repository manager.

If you urgently need your account created to get a commit bit, please mail me and let me know.

I'll be adding the accounts for people that need urgent access by hand at first.

In your email, send a htpassword file created with the following. htpasswd -m -c cpan.passwd