A few hours ago, the machine that holds my main repository (holding about 180 CPAN modules, the master copies of all my talks, and a few commercial projects I haven't been able to move off yet) has started spiraling towards the ground.
I can't tell for sure yet, but it appears the disk is progressively failing, and most processes are blocking.
The contents of the Open Repository are hopefully now tarred and off the machine, although I've yet to be able to determine if any of the files are corrupted since the svn server will only block.
I appear to have lost the repository configuration itself, which means the 50-100 people that had commit on my code will probably need to get accounts reissued.
As I've mentioned before, I'm a pretty horrible sys-admin, so I'm doing what I can to get the rest of the backups done and get the data off the system. But nothing critical will hopefully be lost.
Unfortunately, after a year-long effort to migrate various services off machines I run to hosted services run by other people, this is the last physical machine I have on a public IP, and the free hosting I have been getting for that box has never been in an ideal location and it's probably stretching the friendship to keep it there any longer.
So this all leaves me with a bit of a problem. :(
I don't have anywhere appropriate to put my Open Repository.
So if anyone can help me out with this problem, it would be hugely appreciated.
I'm looking for suggestions of
1. A host on decent bandwidth and access to someone that's actually able to install Insurrection (that last item is not a small issue).
2. Somewhere I can run something else, like perhaps CommitBit?
I currently have a DreamHost account, but their SVN service is useless for open source work, and only really useful for my commercial work (has anyone managed to integrate commit bit with dreamhost SVN?)
Any suggestions desperately welcomed. You can find me by email at adamk@cpan.org or irc.perl.org #perl.
Help :(
Update: 2:24AM
Pete Sergeant has generously donated a Debian virtual host to put the repository on. Now we just need to find some uber-admins who won't take one look at the setup process for Insurrection or CommitBit and feint from fear :)