The Less-Than-A-Metre-Of-Beer Challenge

Alias on 2007-02-14T11:07:10

Of the three big significant problems blocking the release of the PITA core, one has been solved (installing arbitrary modules as if they were CPAN modules), one is getting close now (with the new TAPx:: stuff) and one remains.

Specifically, I need a small multi-purpose POE server that wraps the virtual machine and manages (and kills under various circumstances) it.

Dan from has been promising to help me get this working for a while now, and others in have shown an interest in helping too.

And with the trivia quiz coming up next month, it's been suggested I spice things up a bit to get the last critical part of the PITA core finished by making it competative.

And so, if PITA::POE::SupportServer is completed before the March Trivia Quiz, I will be supplying free beer for the event. I'll start at one slab/crate and see what happens depending on how many people turn up.

It certainly won't measure up to the "metre of beer", that's for certain. just isn't that big.

But it does have the nice property of creating massive peer pressure on Dan and the other interested people to have it working before next month's meeting :)

As an added bonus, if someone OTHER than finishes the module ahead of them, they will still get the beer. But I will force to toast your name for every beer they open, all night :)


Ovid on 2007-02-14T11:30:14

Have you been checking out the code in the public SVN repository? We have a huge list of unreleased changes, some of which might prove very useful to you.


Alias on 2007-02-14T16:47:39

The what of what? :)

If you mean TAPx:: yes I do real the QA list :)

In part, that's why I'm upping the ante on the Support Server side of things, because you seem to have solved most of the big problems.


stennie on 2007-02-14T11:53:43

For those interested in what this entails, here's a link to the pod spec in the phase-n repository:


Alias on 2007-02-15T03:00:41

Please excuse the horrid spelling/grammar errors, the spec was basically a brain dump.

A small multi-purpose POE server

scot on 2007-02-14T15:48:58

Perhaps you might want to get in touch with Chris Williams(; he's been doing some remarkable things with POE involving automating testing of CPAN modules(see BINGOS at CPAN).

Re:A small multi-purpose POE server

Alias on 2007-02-15T03:00:04

Yep, I'm aware of Chris' efforts.

Actually, he's helping out with the PITA POE stuff as well.

But suffice it to say that my plans for PITA are to make even the amount of test runs he's doing look small :)

Re:A small multi-purpose POE server

scot on 2007-02-15T20:50:04

Having looked at your Threatnet project, and Chris's projects with POE related to IRC; I thought that the two projects would be a natural fit. No doubt you guys have talked about that as well, but I thought I'd raise the subject. I like the concept you've come up with for Threatnet; I just need to find some time to put together a meaningful contribution.

Re:A small multi-purpose POE server

Alias on 2007-02-16T06:49:05

Yeah, Chris hosts the ThreatNet test server when we do a high-volume test run, and is working on the Perl IRC server stuff, which I'll probably abuse at some point.