Despite having tested it on my Mac box as a regular user, root and nobody (and a couple of other variations) I've been receiving sporadic reports of failures to File::HomeDir, and thus Template Tookit, on "Macs" (with mixed levels of details what people mean by that specifically).
I haven't been able to replicate these problems on my little testing Mac.
Stephen Steneker has managed traced this to a broken version of Mac::Carbon.
File::HomeDir 0.64 contains a small update to Makefile.PL which forces a bump in the required Mac::Carbon version.
I'll also shortly be bumping AppConfig and Template Toolkit to force these dependency updates through (once I'm sure it's working).
As luck would have it, I now have in my lounge room a free loaner 4-CPU Xeon X-Serve courtesy of Sydney advertising startup LocalVision, so I'll have a direct ability to test this properly.
I have to say, the box is suitably scary looking :)
Re: Mac::Carbon version
stennie on 2007-02-08T11:50:24
Apple included Mac::Carbon 0.71 (circa Feb-2005!), which predates all of the Intel endian fixes:(.
The problem with File::HomeDir was that it only prereq'd Mac::Files which has remained at version 0.09 in the Mac-Carbon distribution between 0.71 through 0.77.
I filed an RT bug against Mac::Carbon to bump the module versions.
Cheers, StephenRe: Mac::Carbon version
pudge on 2007-02-08T16:38:40
Hm. I never got that bug report. Logging into, I see it though. Thanks.