I just wanted to post a quick greeting from the future!
2007 is looking better already, can't wait for you all to arrive :)
A quick addition.
As part of my New Years Resolution to get some of my almost-there projects finished, I've uploaded yet another "last" release of File::HomeDir 0.60_08.
I finally chased down the Win32 test bug to be "Win2k, unlike WinXP, has no idea what 'My Music' is".
Hopefully now this really is the "last" test release.
Testers would be greatly welcomed, especially on esoteric.
I've also finally got hold of a free (legal) copy of Mac OS 10.3 for mac testing on my cheapy testing G4 tower.
So I should be Mac-enabled shortly, for testing some other possible bugs that have been thrown up by the use of "nobody" users.
Right! See you in just over 12 hours...