A day of mixed advancements today has been.
I've recovered my hideously old and broken slashdot account, thanks to pudge.
The long-awaited Archive::Zip 1.18 is finally uploaded to CPAN, which in particular solves a large dependency headache on Win32, making a number of important modules install sanely (or saner) now, most notable Archive::Extract.
Igor Gariev (a Russian Bioinformatics Database expert) appeared out of nowhere, and in one of those satisfying moments, dropped a hugely upgraded version of Object::Destroyer in my lap.
The new version 2.00 (1.99 just went to CPAN, a few minor tweaks remain to go) expands from the original to not only act as a clear object wrapper for things that DESTROY normally, but can now also handle things that need specific methods to break their circulars, or even let you assign arbitrary callable things to trigger when needed to break circulars.
In fact, I think Igors enhancements mean that Object::Destroyer should be able to be used in pretty much ANY situation in which you are having trouble with lexically cleaning up circulars.
And finally, I've added a shortcut -i option to pip.
This allows pip to just install some arbitrary tarball by wrapping it in a fake script.
By which I mean that the following does what you mean and installs your module with CPAN dependencies properly.
> pip -i Module-Name-1.00.tar.gz
More exciting than this is the fact that this name can be anything that the Module::Plan::Lite grammar support, so shortly when it gets URI support, you should also be able to do this.
> pip -i http://svn.phase-n.com/svn/cpan/releases/Module-Plan-Base-0.04.tar.gz
And it will just pull down the module and install it, and any CPAN deps it has.