With the breakthrough to having a parser that didn't suck in 0.03, I've started slurping in YAML files from various projects as fodder for features that are actually needed immediately in the Real World.
Now with 0.05 I've managed to add enough extra minor parser features to support
* YAML::Tiny's own META.yml file
* The Plagger config file sample from Miyagawa-san's YAPC::NA 2006 slides
* The vanilla.yml YAML script used to build Vanilla Perl
Current Memory Load: 132k
So then, what other config/etc use cases are you guys use YAML for in the Real World. The Catalyst guys report they are transitioning away, so that one's out.
Got anything for me to add to my test suite?
Speak up dammit!
Re:Have you considered...
Alias on 2006-07-08T23:33:47
Nope, because YAML::Tiny is never going to handle a sizable portion of the entire YAML spec, so testing against the official spec isn't really going to help me much.
That said, I _do_ test against the behaviour of YAML.pm (if installed), and it would probably be a good idea that I do the same against YAML::Syck (if installed) so at least I can be certain that it works compatibly, if not completely.
And the test suite for YAML::Tiny is pretty tight now, so it's easy to add additional test examples as needed.