My PPI talk is dropped from the YAPC::NA schedule

Alias on 2006-04-19T16:08:25

Well, not that it was ever really on there...

But I submitted the same talk I did at OSCON last year (updated somewhat) for YAPC this year, in case they wanted it.

But it turns out Jeff Goff also submitted a PPI talk, and his is on doing all sorts of refactory magic or something. And I for one would much rather see Jeff talking about doing Real Things with PPI, than me just talking about theory (especially since a number of people will have seen it already).

So after talking to Sachmet, I've dropped my own PPI talk from YAPC::NA, and we get to see exciting shiny new PPI magic. I can't wait! :)

(P.S. And before you ask, no I don't know anything else about the schedule, or when it will be released, or anything else about YAPC)