Only 3 days until YAPC::NA talk submissions are due.
And as usual, I'm running terribly late. :(
But just to get the process rolling I plan to submit three talks.
PITA-Scale Software Testing
If PPI could be seen as my big development project for 2005, the Practical Image Testing Architecture is my priority for 2006. It's also the talk that I think will be the most interesting, albeit from a more practical perspective that the PPI talk, which is interesting because it's insane. :)
Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong
As a mostly self-taught programmer without any formal training in computer science (I did Mechanical Engineering at University) I found MJD's You Can't Get There From Here talk to be something of a revelation.
To have someone with the appropriate math-geek background lay out clearly some generic principles like the Halting Problem was hugely helpful to me, especially given that the underlying theory of PPI is based them. It was like someone had taken my crappy spagetti-like ideas on the code/document duality and replaced 90% of it with a "CPAN Module" of a theory that I didn't know existed as a formal body of work.
Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong is a similar look at a group of problems relating to large-scale software development, and in particular problems that are extremely difficult to fix once you've gone down the wrong path.
Parse, Analysing and Manipulating Perl (without perl)
And I don't know if it's still wanted, but if there's enough demand to see "The PPI Talk" again, I'll be happy to fill in gaps with it. Although given it's YAPC::NA, somehow I don't think they will be pressed for content :)
tsee on 2006-04-09T07:27:46
I'll be finally able to meet you in person.:) Re:Then...
Alias on 2006-04-12T13:20:29
Well, assuming I have a suitable budget for the trip.
Chicago and Birmingham are about as far away on the "other side of the world" as it's possible to get (factoring in airline hubs and transfers).
So it will be expensive...
We'll see:)