That's it, I've hit my limit.
Already stretched in October 2005, I've since sort of accidentally create OpenOpenOffice, PITA, started on a Refactoring Perl Editor, and now seemed to have triggered a Win32 Perl revival.
And that last one, although necesary in my eyes has been the straw that has broken my camel's back. I'm trying to finish funding and executing my Sydney move, and having these amazing cool projects all spring up at once has been a real productivity shotgun for me.
So consider this a sort of partial farewell for up to a month, while I pay some more attention to my clients, my business, and my move.
A quick summary of what I hope will happen to my projects.
PPI is stable and largely "done" now, but there are some bugs accumulating and it needs another point release or so. Fortunately, Arjen Laarhoven has offered to help out with any bugs in RT.
I'll do a review and probably do the uploads, but if you have ANY issues, don't email me, send it to RT. Questions, comments, bugs, patches etc.
PITA is the only open source project I plan to spend any time at all on, to try and get push it through to a basic, usable 0.20 release, so that others can start working on images and other drivers and such. But not this weekend. Hopefully next weekend we should see a 0.20 release, or something close to it.
I continue to project manage this, as it doesn't take up much time for me other than goading packagers and developers into action :) Hopefully the upcoming Big Release won't cause too many problems.
This whole Win32 Perl thing is really just kicking off. If you use Windows somewhere, get the CamelPack installed on your box, and take a look. Start installing modules and look for Win32 bugs (someone want to take a look at File::Flock for me? It needs upgrading to File::Spec)
If you use Windows and you've ever wanted to Be Somebody in Perl, now is the time for you to start looking at the Win32:: family. Got a Vista beta? Looks like we're in for a number of big changes. Talk to stennie and fireartist and get involved. Can we get Wx bundled into it as well? What about $otherthing.
Refactoring Perl Editor
My grant continues. With a new Windows Perl on my laptop I've just added File::UserConfig (pending a bug in File::ShareDir) and I'll be looking at moving PCE to be fully CPANified as soon as I can find the time. Once we finally get it to CPANification, the implementation of the actual refactoring code can begin.
Well that's pretty much it for now. If anyone needs me I'll be hanging around in #pita, but not much else. So consider this my anti-holiday. I've gotta go work for a while, BBIAB.
Alias on 2006-01-28T09:17:29
(for variable values of $they)
$they tried. $they did what you said. $they tried it several times. $they all failed.
So $they held a competition to see what other options there were?
$they'd LOVE CamelPack improved by using what you suggest instead of using Dev-C.
$they are waiting for your release of PXPerl that does what you say.Re:CamelPack
bart on 2006-01-28T22:07:10
I've been wondering... I've had a look at Dev-C++. It looks to me like it uses MinGW or a compatible (gcc) compiler. So if it works with Dev-C++, I should think it should work with MinGW without the IDE too... no? All you would have to do, is figure out what command line switches they're using.Re:CamelPack
stennie on 2006-01-29T02:21:01
In fact, DevC++ *is* using MinGW. The problem, as mentioned in other comments, lies in interpreting the MinGW docs to derive and setup a sensible environment:
I would consider the first versions of the camelpack/vanilla installers as proof that a straightforward install is actually possibly on Windows (at least one that meets minimum requirements for Alias' testing).
Rather than stopping here (met Alias' challenge, after all!) there is a project site being setup to welcome future suggestions/contributions. Stay tuned;)