Day 1363: Summary of the first Parse::Perl Project meeting

Alias on 2005-08-29T17:35:01

The first meeting of the Parse::Perl project went well, although given I picked quite possibly the worst possible time to hold it, it's not surprising that only the keenest people turned up. :)

In short, we had people from the Vip and PCE editor projects in attendance, and had a back and forth discussion on the sorts of things they wanted, and where we can co-operate.

The main result of the meeting was that both of them have committed to having their projects in a usable/demo'able state for the second meeting next month, so that others will have a chance to see and experiment with them.

And personally, I'm going to try to have the caching framework completed, so that larger systems working with a large number of documents can be made much less sucky in performance terms.

The full log of the channel (plus some time either side of the meeting) can be found here.


davebaker on 2005-08-29T18:13:58


Me missing

jplindstrom on 2005-08-29T21:58:36

Now I've read the transcript.

I was strategically located in my bed at the time. Hangover. Nasty.

But since you called for demoable stuff, there is a developer release of Devel::PerlySense available. In beta.

I'm grateful for comments regarding anything, especially hands-on stuff that doesn't work, or missing introduction-level documentation.