PPI Release Candidate 1, Perl::Editor, JSAN ahoy!

Alias on 2005-07-03T14:04:46

It's been a while since my last post (in release terms) so here goes.

The big announcement is that the "I think I can..." PPI 0.995 Release Candidate 1 tarball is now up on CPAN.

The name refers to the Little Engine That Could, and the feeling of getting PPI to 1.000, which can loosely described as like pushing an elephant with four anvils tied to it's feet over a wall mounted on a moving cog train ascending a 30 degree hill. In this release:

- The last of the POD is FINALLY done. I don't mind POD, really, but writing 60-70 classes worth goes beyond mind-numbing to painful.

- Provides initial implementations of insert_before and insert_after (which aren't real DWIM, but will at least prevent you from badly damaging the PDOM). Note I said PDOM. You can still fuck up your Perl code really badly, but the the nesting structure of a PDOM tree _should_ be protected from your blundering.

- Cleans up the last of the little ugly bits, including a couple of evil private helper methods I don't want to risk someone using, so I've inlined them.

Other that fixes for rt.cpan.org bugs, I can't think of anything left to do before the 1.000 release. Note this doesn't mean the end of development. There's an absolute TON of stuff still to be added improved and grafted on, but you have to draw the line somewhere, and that place is here.

If anyone has seen Perl::Editor and Perl::Editor::Plugin::Squish pass by the recently released list, just ignore it for now. The releases are primarily for a few insiders and the extremely curious.

Perl::Editor is basically going to be how your editor (whatever editor that may be) gets juiced up with refactory goodness. The hope is that you can write your own Perl Refactoring and Utility plugins as a CPAN package that will work with ANY suitable Perl editor that implements the host side of the Perl::Editor API.

Please note, that there are currently zero editors that can act as a Perl::Editor host, except for my souper-sekrit IntelliPerl editor which a) You can't have, and b) is so evil you're eyes would explode in any case.

Finally, I've rewritten my lovely custom package release system to work with cwest's shiny new http://openjsan.org site.

I'm happy to announce I have uploaded the first every non-core JSAN module (I'm counting Test.Simple as a core module :), Display.Swap.

Display.Swap lets you define one or more lists of elements ids, and then will show one set and hide the other set, swapping them whenever you call a .swap() method.

All hail the JSAN!

ähm yes

sir_lichtkind on 2005-07-04T10:41:57

yes proton-ce 0.2.0.something has low kwalitee 0.3 is there much better. 0.2 was in a internal transition period(bad iadea todo it during stable release but i had it todo ASAP and hed nerly no user anyway).

the moduls hierarchy before reflected some original ideas, which was good in terms to be idealistic and to have an vision a believed in. the new hierarchy is much more practical, still changing and still no (good) OOP design because still too much changing.