With the release of the first (mostly working) complete Test.Simple release, JavaScript is finally starting to come out of the cold.
It would appear something similar to the Vietnam war is going on now. As Haskell(America) invades(pugs) Perl(Vietnam), Perl people are retreating into JavaScript(Cambodia).
Or maybe we are just taking inspiration from the lamdacamels and are going a viking to rich barbarian lands.
Personally, I try to contain a chuckle at the situation that will exist if we can roll out a working *mumble* for a language that most other "real" languages (Python, Java, etc) would consider "inferior". I've tried on a couple of occasions now to teach the pythonists to no avail, so maybe this will be what gets them moving.
Proper unit testing for JavaScript is the first major building block completed, and it's a damn good start.
I've already started laying some of my older JavaScript stuff with some future class tree in mind.
As a fairly simple example, I've finished an implementation of Display.Swap, which I find superhandy in any number of interface situations.
It's nice to know that it now might finally have a permanent home.