My first entry! Whoo-woo. Wonder how long I can keep this up. Anyway, birthdays are a good time of trying something else.
I'm still high from YAPC::Europe. So much Perl. So many interesting people - people I didn't know, people I've met before, and people I now finally get put a face to the name. Very good conference.
Yesterday (well, tuesday actually) was the monthly meeting. There was a challenge from Johan: write a JAPH that he can send by SMS. The catch: his phone doesn't have lowercase letters. Calling external programs wasn't allowed too. And SMS messages have a 160 byte limit. We came up with:
(Aaaaaaargh, why can't we use <PRE>?)
but then the rumour was spread that curly braces aren't allowed in SMS either (which turned out to be untrue). Later last night, I had a one-liner:
BEGIN{$^H=1<<21}$_="(?{\LPRINT\E'J\LUST ANOTHER\E P\LERL\E H\LACKER\12'})" ;/$_/
but that still has curly braces. I put it on FWP, and overnight, Japhy had worked around the braces too:
Very neat.
-- Abigail