Due to a busy social scedule, it had been a few weeks since our last hike. Today we did a 14k hike from Delft to Zoetermeer. It was gray outside, and only a few degrees above freezing, but it was dry and there wasn't any wind, so it was good hiking weather. The route went through the old city center of Delft, through polders, and over the terrain of the 1992 Floriade. Quite a nice walk.
Tonight I prepared dinner. The recipe was called "potato-onion pie with sausage". But neither the list of ingredients, nor the recipe itself mentioned any onions.
Finished one of the books I bought last Friday, Winterkoninkje. A book about one of the most succesful Dutch (female) skaters, Yvonne van Gennip. The book has a lot of details - both most of those details are the times Yvonne rode on various tournaments, including a gazillion tournaments that weren't very important. It doesn't contain anything new, Yvonne is quoted a few times, but I think the author (Huub Snoep) could have done much better. Unless you both like books and speed-skating (like I do), I don't think the book is worth the price. At € 24.50, it's quite expensive.
I had never heard of polders before.