Well, tomorrow brings with it the London.pm tech meet, where I'll be having my first run though of my "Extending the Template Toolkit" talk.
This was really a last minute proposal, but I thought I'd still have a reasonable amount of time to get it done. However, it seems like everything has conspired against me in my attempt to get this talk done. Everything that could possibly get in the way has. Work and deadlines. House Hunting. People Turning 40. Illness and temperatures of 104F (don't ask.) Damian. Crying woman needing consoling (don't ask.) Writers Block. Software issues. Don't even mention trying to have a life at the same time.
So what's left to do? Well, I've got to go over my presentation tomorrow and rewrite the section on filters. I've got to upload some CVS patches and convince Andy to do a developers release of the Template Toolkit so that some of the things I'm talking about arn't just in CVS (in particular Template::Plugin::Procedural which allows you to write non-method based plugins.) I've got to work out what I'm going to say. I've got to proofread the document. And I've got to use convert to change it from a PDF into a selection of PNGs (xpdf and acroread are both too slow to render stuff.)
Darn, that's a lot to do.
I've had to dump a load of sections I really wanted to cover but I when it comes down to it, I don't want to have more slides than I have minutes in my talk. I didn't get to do my internals talk (it was going to be great, I was going to parody star trek) and I didn't get to mention things like running TT off of a database. Maybe I'll write a bonus materials section before the real talk. At least I can mention the URL if I don't get time to present it.
Yeah, like I'm going to have time to do that!