Hmm, a Bank holiday weekend spent in London. A chance to catch up on some Perl related projects.
Most of Saturday and Sunday were spent reading some of the books I have to review. Still no words on paper (or into $EDITOR) yet.
On Sunday I also played around with adding a regular expression system to Test::Builder::Tester. This would allow you to specify a queue of strings and regular expressions both of which would 'consume' some of the actual output and throw errors when this doesn't work. That's quite complicated code (when you have to keep track of everything and exactly what was wrong for debug information.) It's not passing tests yet.
On Monday I hacked about with Test::Accessor a bit more. I want to get it to the point where you just have to specify the interface and you don't need to then specify both the get and set method names for methods. It's challenging to provide a clean interface to that. The interesting part is putting the module in auto mode where it guesses what your method is called based on the method name you pass. This works fine for "get_fish" (which it can determine has a get method of "get_fish" and a set method of "set_fish") but gets confused with a get/set method of "issue" which it thinks is a "is" type method for the property "sue". Hmmm. It's not passing tests yet either ;-).
Went looking for Perl books in the new Borders that opened up near Angel. Nothing I wanted, especially not a copy of Perl and XML. I want to have a read of that before I complete writing up the XML processing stuff in the Template Toolkit.
Oh, you may be wondering where my todo list has gone. It's too big to fit in an infobot factoid now!