Coo, look, today is international everybody get everyone's name wrong day.
This morning pdcawley's article on was published. It's really good, and if you haven't read it go do so now. At the top Piers mentions richardc's and my Wax::On Wax::Off stuff but attributes it to muttley and richardc instead. Oh well, there goes my google rating (back into obscurity I go...the Perl Advent calendar has all but been forgotten - we'll have to wait for next year now.)
And just now I see pudge has now posted a story based around a Leon Bracard's (sic) journal. This is a worrying trend.
I know Perl Mongers have problems with dates and times (in particular when social meeting are,) but now names as well? There is only one hope for us here. Ladies and Gentlemen, I put a challenge out to you. Would someone please write Symbol::Approx::PerlHacker.