I'd Gladly Pay You in August for an Abstract in April

pudge on 1999-01-15T10:45:10

O'Reilly has made a Call for Participation for the 1999 Perl Conference 3.0. Abstracts for papers are due April 9, 1999. The best papers get cash prizes. See the site for more details.

The conference will be held Saturday - Tuesday, August 21-24, 1999 in Monterey, California. Aside from the papers presented, the conference will feature more tutorials, another Perl Quiz show, and a Film Festival (maybe they'll show Sphere, the only major motion picture we know of that has perlfaq code on screen). The conference will also be held coincidentally with other conferences on other Open Source software, such as Linux, Sendmail, and FreeBSD, together forming the O'Reilly Open Source Conferences.