I've created some "Beta-test" MSI installers for Strawberry Perl - they're available at http://csjewell.comyr.com/perl/strawberryperlbeta.html for you to test out, hammer on, etc.
If more people do this than just me, July's Strawberry Perl will hopefully be just great!
For production Perl programming environments, you'll still probably want to go to http://strawberryperl.com/ (or to ActiveState, if that works for you) to get your Perl fix on Windows.
Otherwise, let me know of any problems you have!
And I endorse these betas
My name is Ron
Ron Savage on 2009-05-19T10:19:02
Hi Folks
And I couldn't get WinXFP to open strawberry-perl-
:-(. But I am thinking a Windows MSI package might be a good idea
:-(. Ron
Re:My name is Ron
DiamondInTheRough on 2009-05-20T03:37:52
My personal site can sometimes be painful when downloading large files, but it is free, so I think I'm getting what I pay for in that regard. (Maybe I should put file sizes and checksums up.)
You may need to use wget or something of the like.
I'll check that they work (and got uploaded correctly) tomorrow.
Re:My name is Ron
Ron Savage on 2009-05-20T05:44:20
Hi Folks
First time I downloaded it thru my ISP.
Just tried again via deakin.edu.au.
Same result. Curious.
Re:My name is Ron
DiamondInTheRough on 2009-05-20T22:53:03
Hi Folks
First time I downloaded it thru my ISP.
Just tried again via deakin.edu.au.
Same result. Curious.
I just put up file sizes and checksums at the site to compare against, so you can use any md5sum or sha1sum-type program to check if there wasn't a blip between my site and Australia.
And I had somebody else report a bug (not anything serious, just an appearance bug) yesterday on that same file, so I know it worked for somebody.
Hi Folks
Yes, I realize adding h: to the list of supported drives is getting a bit ridiculous if they are all separate distros.
It's just that at educational institutions, every student is given a personal folder on h:.
Of course, the flash-drive option more or less solves that problem.
Re:And now for H:
Alias on 2009-05-20T03:23:32
Given that we only have a hundred or so downloads a quarter for the D: version, H: would seem to be pushing things a bit
:) Alternatively, if you install Perl::Dist::Strawberry with a little bit of work you could probably spin your own distribution.
Re:And now for H:
DiamondInTheRough on 2009-05-20T03:40:45
And something I admit I'd like to see is a relocatable build where you can choose where the installation goes - but that may not come until late 2009.
Trying to think of how I can implement that.
Re:And now for H:
Alias on 2009-05-20T09:24:18
At the moment, there's only two ways.
1. Hardcode the path in at some fixed but easily detectable path, and do a string-replacement to tailor it to your system during the install process.
2. Tweak Strawberry Portable slightly so it uses all the normal Portable magic for most files, but uses the system paths for File::HomeDir (which currently is magicified to point into the Portable directory).
Re:And now for H:
Alias on 2009-05-20T09:24:54
And I should add, whichever of those two you do, go through the entire Perl and GCC toolchain and most of the top 100 CPAN modules to make sure they work with spaces in the path.
Re:And now for H:
DiamondInTheRough on 2009-05-20T16:19:40
And I'm thinking that if perl.exe is not one of the files that would need patched, (i.e. trying to expand the space a string is stored in a binary) #1 would be the better option. Otherwise, #2. Maybe I'd do #1 if perl.exe needs patched if we were only changing the drive, as opposed to both the drive and directory.
The reason being it's easy enough to write a CA that does #1 in C++. (after writing the clear-files CA, I've got an idea of how to do it. Maybe use the pcre library? would have to check.)
I think the first iteration would not allow spaces, anyway, because I understand it'd be a problem with mingw, not just perl.
Re:Windows 7
DiamondInTheRough on 2009-05-20T22:39:55
Works on latest Win7 RC release. Running Win7 in a Sun Virtual box.
Since I don't have a (personal) computer powerful enough to run Win7 RC, thanks!