Opener Chat Release 0.7

brian_d_foy on 2009-02-02T17:15:00

alexe writes "Opener Chat is a kind of multi-user and multi-protocol online communication software which is like Pidgin (gaim).

Opener Chat is completely programmed by Perl which consists of the graphical interface part and net part. Now we use the module of win32::GUI to carry its interface into effect, so this software can only run on the win32 platform.

This software which is easy to operate supports server address of configuration, clients’ log-in name, group or private chatting, program update, remote assisted function and chat records.

Opener Chat suits internal talk of small and medium enterprises or the Internet community. Adopting IRC protocol and using IRC service of can avoid difficulties of establishing chat server by yourself.

It is an open source software and no advertisement adds in. Besides, it occupies less resource and has greater extensibility."


baska on 2009-02-02T20:53:01

no strict, no warnings, talking to IRC server without using Net::IRC, even the indentation is bad bad bad...

I wonder if this background command execution connected to that listening socket actually works.


james2vegas on 2009-02-02T23:54:54

you're recommending Net::IRC with a straight face? heh.


baska on 2009-02-03T21:38:41

well, let's put it this way: at least Net::IRC uses "strict".

Did you take look at the source of that Opener Chat thingy? It seems like it opens a listening port and connects it to a command shell if it receives a "dos_command" string on the irc connection. It also seem to start a vnc-server that directly connects to some remote ip when it receives the string "vnc_server" over the irc connection.


alexe on 2009-02-04T02:57:44

"dos_command" and "vnc_server" is just for the remote connect. Originally, One aim of Opener chat is to help someone to repair their systems. So we have these functions. But now these functions should not be worked, we have not clear it. Yes, the codes are messed, We have not enough time to clear it. We will do it in the further. Your suggestions are welcome. Our site: