nicholas writes " has donated $50,000 to The Perl Foundation, to aid in the further development and maintenance of the Perl programming language in general, and Perl 5.10 in particular. is also donating hardware and sysadmin time to provide the servers for the new git master for Perl 5, which will go live in the next few days."
well, I know who I'm going to use next time I want to book a hotel. Thanks to for giving back to the community! By the way, it looks like they're hiring perl programmers in Amsterdam.
Re:add another bookmark
jouke on 2008-12-15T14:24:55
That's right. (for whom I've been working for 5 years now) are still hiring Perl developers to work in the office in Amsterdam (see
Re:add another bookmark
Arador on 2008-12-17T00:21:04
Not looking for a job right now, but I'll remember it for when I do.