CPAN Testers BOF at YAPC::EU 2008

brian_d_foy on 2008-08-01T21:11:00

YAPCs are always a good opportunity to meet other perl users. As the organisers of this year's YAPC::EU in Copenhagen have been good enough to allow me to do a talk on CPAN Testing, Barbie and myself will be arranging a CPAN Testers Birds of Feather (BOF) session.

Barbie's original announcement:

This BOF is for anyone who is or wants to be a CPAN Tester. A chance to air any thoughts for improving CPAN testing and highlight any common pitfalls experienced by current testers. Also a chance for testers and authors to meet face to face, if they haven't already done so. Any contributions to improve the are also welcome. I would also like to take this opportunity to get group photo of all the CPAN Testers attending. Last year we had, so please come along and get your face on the front page of the site :)

This will very likely be at the end of the first day of the conference, ie. the Wednesday.

If you are attending YAPC::EU and are interested in CPAN Testing, please add your name to the wiki page