v6.pm is back

brian_d_foy on 2008-07-30T13:41:00

v6.pm now passes a little more than 6000 tests from the Perl 6 test suite.

"v6" is a CPAN module that implements a Perl 6 compiler that runs in Perl 5.

It is compiling and running nearly 10 tests per second:

  Files=145, Tests=6210, 562 wallclock secs ( 1.41 usr 0.67 sys + 402.53 cusr 93.57 csys = 498.18 CPU)
  Result: PASS

Precompiled tests are running at 50 tests per second (running "make file" a second time execute the precompiled tests):

  Files=145, Tests=6210, 124 wallclock secs ( 0.88 usr 0.57 sys + 80.20 cusr 14.04 csys = 95.69 CPU)
  Result: PASS


ggoebel on 2008-07-30T21:24:47

Glad to see you back at it!

6000 out of how many?

waltman on 2008-07-30T21:26:08

6210 tests sounds like a big number, but the raw number doesn't really mean anything. How many total tests are there? What percentage of the total is it passing? How many does perl 6 itself pass?

Re:6000 out of how many?

educated_foo on 2008-07-31T01:47:47

This could mean "we've got integer addition working up to 157 + 157." Is there a list somewhere of features considered "implemented" and "unimplemented"?

Pick a number: 45,000 19,000 or 5,000

ggoebel on 2008-07-30T23:07:25

See http://use.perl.org/user/pmichaud/journal/36834

  • 45,000 a rough estimate of the final number of tests
  • 19,000 current number of tests in pugs test suite
  • 5,000 number of pugs tests which have been reviewed

And interesting in comparison: the number of tests Rakudo was passing at the beginning of this month: ~1,100