OSCON 2008 Proceedings are now online

brian_d_foy on 2008-07-29T21:47:00

O'Reilly Media opened the proceedings section of OSCON08. Not everything is there yet, but as I write this there are about a third of the Perl track, including Josh McAdam's Test Driven Development with Perl and Jim Brandt's Introduction to mod_perl 2 tutorials. Although Jos Boumans submitted his slides for "Barely Legal XXX Perl", you should probably wait until you can see it live. Finish off with Patrick Michaud's and jerry gay's Rakudo: Perl 6 on Parrot.

If you've already seen the Perl talks, I guess you could look at the other subjects too. :)

Don't forget to rate the sessions!

btilly on 2008-07-29T22:15:44

If you saw the talks and haven't rated them yet, go rate the sessions. I don't know about others, but I'm waiting for official feedback to get a sense of how people liked my Effective A/B Testing talk.

(Yeah, I know, not the Perl track. Still the code examples in the talk are mostly Perl.)

Re:Don't forget to rate the sessions!

kwilliams on 2008-07-30T14:10:33

I wasn't there, but I've gone through the slides and they're fantastic. I'll definitely look for it in the proceedings and rate it.

Re:Don't forget to rate the sessions!

kwilliams on 2008-07-30T14:15:16

Oops, guess I can't submit an evaluation if I wasn't there.