Win a free OSCON registration

brian_d_foy on 2008-06-25T18:12:00

I have one 100% discount code (or two 50% ones) to give out for OSCON. Now I have to figure out how to award it, but I'm not going to set any criteria ahead of time. This is just a normal conference registration. You still are on the hook for travel and accomodations.

The world can compete for this discount code, and I'll decide on the 4th of July who gets it. You have until then to convince me that you deserve it. How you do that is up to you. I'm make my decision any way I like. This is not associated with O'Reilly Media other than being their conference.

Some examples that I might look upon favorably, singly or in combination:

  • a video blog explaining why you deserve to go to OSCON for free and what you want to see there.
  • a voicemail message suitable for Perlcast explaining why OSCON is going to change your life. You can call 312 492 4632.
  • someone who has never been to OSCON, or Portland, or Oregon, or the US
  • someone I don't already know
  • contributions to a Perl project between now and July 3
  • sending me a single message then leaving me alone
  • a picture of you holding a copy of The Perl Review or Learning Perl in front of a famous landmark
  • a complete Perl 6-STD implementation ready to run on Mac OS X (first come wins though)

Some things that lessen your chances:

  • Any form of financial compensation
  • Gifts or favors in exchange for the code
  • Offers for work contingent on the code
  • Honorary degrees, foreign decorations, and the like
  • Sucking up to me
  • Sending me multiple messages
  • Promising to vote for Obama in Washington state to cancel Pudge's vote.

If you don't get the 100% discount code but I still think you're worthy, I might (might! no promises) be able to find a lesser discount.

Perl 6-STD implementation

diakopter on 2008-06-25T22:02:39

by July 3 *and* the first? I'll try...

Oh well...

Burak on 2008-06-26T12:20:52

extending passport + getting visa + flight + hotel + .... :(