Help the Perl 5 Wiki reach 1000 pages

grinder on 2008-05-18T12:35:00

The Official Perl 5 Wiki now has a total of 893 pages, and 284 pages wanted by other pages.

That means that 1000 pages is well within reach - pick from the "most wanted" page or the "wishlist", or even better - add more content to the many short pages already there such as mod_perl, applications, etc.

Other pages that would be cool to add would be

  • Perl usage - collate info about job statistics, cpan growth, surveys, perl monger census (past and current), numbers of conferences, etc
  • Packaging applications using PAR
  • Brief descriptions of each Perl Release, such as name of pumpking, major changes and links to annoucement, changelog, etc
  • Translated pages - currently the entire content is in english - translations of popular and/or big pages would be incredibly useful

The Python wiki has about 4 or 5 thousand pages - it's been around a lot longer than this wiki, but Perl has been around longer than perl and there is a lot more that could and should be covered in the wiki


Marza on 2008-05-19T03:50:33

I didn't even know it existed. *hangs head in shame*

I will help out. I see a couple I will tackle. The request on Simon and pairnetworks looks interesting.....

german translation

ggoldbach on 2008-05-19T09:08:18

I'd be happy to translate some wiki pages. Is there any plan for a multi-language Perl5-Wiki?

Is there a special naming scheme for non-English pages (I bet there is) or is it just another parameter for the CGI?

Re:german translation

TeeJay on 2008-05-19T14:49:17


I don't know of any rules about translations on the wiki.

I just checked - nothing, so I suggest updating with how you plan to do so - I've suggested something there.

Sentence needs correction

alanhaggai on 2008-05-20T11:50:20

`The Python wiki has about 4 or 5 thousand pages - it's been around a lot longer than this wiki, but Perl has been around longer than perl and there is a lot more that could and should be covered in the wiki.'

Typo here: Perl has been around longer than `perl' ( should have been Python ). Simple typo. :-)

Re:Sentence needs correction

TeeJay on 2008-05-20T13:07:41
