Dowse::BadSSH on CPAN

brian_d_foy on 2008-05-16T04:55:00

One of the nasty things about the recent OpenSSH vulnerability is that it affects non-debian systems, too.

Thankfully the script to find the bad keys was written in Perl. With a bit of back-porting, I managed to get it to work with perl 5.6.1, and thanks to the magic of Module::Install, I have made a tarball which includes the dependencies of the debian-published script and uploaded to CPAN as Dowse::BadSSH.

Unlike the published script, the updated is capable of removing bad keys and checks more places on the system, such as known_hosts files and the system host key.

Portability patches more than welcomed.

Yes, I realise I probably should have based my work off the upstream sources

Also available from


ChrisDolan on 2008-05-17T03:45:43

This is a little confusing to install via the CPAN shell because you can't just say "install Dowse::BadSSH". Instead, I had to say "install SAMV/Dowse-BadSSH-0.07.tar.gz"

I recommend that you add a trivial .pm to the file with a tiny bit of POD explaining the purpose of the tool.