will have a tech meeting on Tuesday, February 12, at MIT, in building E51, room 376 (directions below), starting at 7:15pm. Martin Owens will be giving a presentation on one of his modules, Data::Validate::XSD.
This module allows the definition of complex data structures and allows validation against them. It is based on the W3C XSD definition, and does not use XML. Features include mirrored-errors (which describe failures in terms of their structural position and the effect on the parents) and minimal dependencies. Use cases include validation data sent to a webpage, validating data used in object creation, and validating XML parsed data.
RSVP to Ronald (rjk-bostonpm (at) tamias (d*t) net) if you're planning to attend. Pizza and soda for this meeting will be sponsored by Cambridge Interactive Development Corp. Thanks CIDC!