"Winter of Code" p5p Summaries

brian_d_foy on 2007-12-20T14:32:00

As you probably know, Vienna.pm decided to fund various Perl activities in the Winter of Code. One item on our list is to fund someone to write weekly summaries of p5p. After a lot of internal discussions, Vienna.pm decided to choose David Landgren to do them for one year (2008). David already did the summaries in 2006 (and collaborated on some earlier issues). Unfortunatly he's currently suffering from a computer crash, but as soon as he has recovered we will hear more from him (like when he'll start, where to get the summaries, etc).

Thanks to all the sponsors and attendents of YAPC::Europe 2007 who made it possible for Vienna.pm to fund this and other projects!


ChrisDolan on 2007-12-21T01:18:35

Hooray! I loved David's summaries from his last round. His wit and thoroughness made the summaries fun and useful.