Catalyst book is out!

brian_d_foy on 2007-12-16T16:53:00

My Catalyst book is out and is beginning to appear in the hands of fellow Catalyst users! You can buy it from Amazon and local book stores, but it looks like the publisher (Packt) has the best price right now.

Basically, this book covers getting started with Catalyst. The goal is to take you from "what's MVC?" to being able to write complete web applications with Catalyst. We'll build a few complete applications including an address book, a mini-blog, and ChatStat (which is basically Ircxory but with a Template Toolkit interface instead of one built with Template::Declare).

Along the way you'll learn all about Catalyst, DBIx::Class, and the Template Toolkit. I cover REST interfaces, AJAX (with Jemplate), RSS, testing, deployment, and more. The book is very hands-on oriented; I usually explain what sort of code I want to write, write the code, and then explain what the code does. If necessary, we look at theoretical examples of when related features would be useful, and then move on to the next piece of code.

The full PR blurb is on the book's website, so please take a look.


tsee on 2007-12-16T09:50:18

It's great to see new Perl books. The more so if they come from respected people from inside the community.

I'm not into web development, but I'll keep this in mind if I ever have to get back to doing it.


P.S.: Remember your attempts at doing memory profiling / leak checking for Perl? Are you planning to give that a second look? That would be awesome!


AndyArmstrong on 2007-12-16T20:02:42

Ordered, thanks Jonathan.

re catalyst book

tefflox on 2007-12-16T22:49:48

Hello --

i'm new to perl, by way of perlmonks. i made an igoogle tab for perl (just to the right of 'ruby on rails'), so as you follow my logic, i am interested to learn from a community with established exchange values beyond the volatile capitalization in the ror 'community' right now. i'm not a purist, nor wish to become a purist, as such, tho i can appreciate how to learn from the wisdom of elders. i'm the type to take only what i need, rather than immerse, enmesh, immure my unemployable self into position as community crier. ennhow, is this book for me? i've got the camel book in pdf, but i'd rather pay for a tutor (if had any money).

about me --

person: editor: -- Jess

So much for Amazon...

jk2addict on 2007-12-17T14:03:32

Availability: Usually ships within 3 to 5 weeks.


From Packt Pub in week,

cwhii on 2007-12-26T20:09:00

Ordered from Packt Pub 13-Dec-2007. Got it in a week in California.