While trying to scratch a recent itch I have setup the Perl Community AdServer. It allows any web site owner to easily add a few advertisements to his site to promote the Perl related events, the Perl Mongers and various Perl sites.
The server provides the ads based on the country of the visitor. So we can easily advertise the French Perl workshop to visitors from France, the London Perl Workshop to visitors from Great Britain and the Israeli Perl Workshop to visitors from Israel.
I think it would be great if many people would add these ads to their respective web sites. See the AdServer for instructions on how to add it to your site.
Re:Good stuff!
gabor on 2007-11-13T15:21:16
show me how to do thatRe:Good stuff!
sjn on 2007-11-23T15:19:28
Any plain downloadable machine-parseable file would work. Just make sure the URL is stable.:)
Too bad all the camels are locked up by O'Reilly (for any commercial site, anyway).
Re:Nifty, but needs some eye candy ?
grinder on 2007-11-14T17:16:48
That's because the goal of the Camel is to sell O'Reilly books.
The logo of Perl is an onion.
Thanks. This is a great idea. I already added it to http://www.perl-workshop.de/ and http://dresden-pm.org/ start pages.
Unfortunately it already seems to be blocked per default by AdBlockPlus (firefox) because its URL matches "://adserv" (and maybe other negative substrings). Can you (maybe additionally) provide URLs without such tainted strings?
How about perlcommunitynews.szabgab.com/news/direct_link_selflink.js for instance?
Who do I ask to get it integrated with our http://mail.pm.org/pipermail/dresden-pm/ mailing list archive?
Re:Prevent abuse by malware providers?
gabor on 2007-11-15T14:17:32
I guess no, as I have no idea what are you talking about.Could you please explain?
Re:Prevent abuse by malware providers?
mckyj57 on 2007-11-15T15:37:41
Spammers have been inserting ad code that distributes malware. Obviously this is done by hacking legit ad accounts, or simply by purchasing an ad from an automated portal. Flash movies have been the most common vehicle, as they are difficult to inspect.
Unless we have an HTML/code expert inspecting all ad submissions, it would be possible for a spammer to provide an ad that would then be present on an otherwise-reputable web site that you would not suspect of having such content.Re:Prevent abuse by malware providers?
gabor on 2007-11-15T15:50:12
At the moment I allow only plain text and a single <a href= tag so for now I think the only problem can be texts in a language I don't understand.Which means most of the languages.
I don't think I plan to allow much more complex html than that.
you return html:document.write("<ul><li><a href=http://www.madmongers.org/>MadMongers</a></li><li><a href=http://yapceurope.org/>YEF - European Conferences and Workshops</a></li><li>Perl Event: <a href=>Windy City Hackathon</a>, December 14-16, Chicago, IL</li><li class='perlAdserverSelflink'><a href='http://adserver.szabgab.com/'>By Perl AdServer</a></li></ul>");
and it can be included in an iframe or fetched programmatically and processed however desired. In the latter case, it would be good if there were a way to pass in the originating ip address (assuming you are using that to distinguish country of origin).<head><title>Perl Community AdServer</title></head><body>
<ul><li><a href=http://www.madmongers.org/>MadMongers</a></li><li><a href=http://yapceurope.org/>YEF - European Conferences and Workshops</a></li><li>Perl Event: <a href=>Windy City Hackathon</a>, December 14-16, Chicago, IL</li><li class='perlAdserverSelflink'><a href='http://adserver.szabgab.com/'>By Perl AdServer</a></li></ul>
I would like to see this soon so it can be added to perlmonks (where we can't encourage people to have javascript unsafely enabled).
It sounds like, to bypass ad blockers, you may want to make it available as http://pcas.szabgab.com/pcas/ in addition to http://adserver.szabgab.com/ads/.
By the way, the javascript is returned with content-type text/html; is this intended?