Patrick Michaud awarded Perl 6 Development Grant

brian_d_foy on 2007-11-08T22:22:00

It is with great pleasure that The Perl Foundation and Mozilla Foundation announce a major new Perl 6 Development Grant. The recipient of the grant is Patrick Michaud, the Perl 6 compiler pumpking and lead programmer of a Perl 6 implementation based on Parrot and on his own work on the Perl 6 compiler and grammar. The grant will provide Patrick with four months of support for this work beginning November 1, 2007. Patrick will receive US$15,000 over this time, with $10,000 of the funding coming from Mozilla Foundation and $5,000 from The Perl Foundation.

The goals for this development grant are:
  1. To have a Perl 6 on Parrot implementation that supports commonly-used Perl 6 constructs;
  2. Improvements to the Perl 6 test suite;
  3. To substantially complete the Parrot Compiler Toolkit, including documentation;
  4. Increased community participation in Perl 6 and Parrot development, including development efforts on other languages utilizing Parrot and the Parrot Compiler Toolkit.

In order to ensure the proper management and progress for this grant TPF asked Jesse Vincent to be the Grant Manager. Jesse has graciously accepted this volunteer position. Jesse is a noted Perl community member and he has worked as the Perl 6 project manager for the past several years. Additionally, he (through his company, Best Practical Solutions) has supported the Perl 6 effort through a series of microgrants.

Patrick Michaud and The Perl Foundation will provide grant progress updates and summaries at

Great deal, thanks owed.

bill_mcgonigle on 2007-11-09T20:49:41

Wow, that's quite a bit of work for that kind of money. Kudos to Patrick for his willingness to do it!