I saw the new perlconsole-0.3 distribution today on CPAN Recent Uploads and that reminded me something. Some months ago you had to look a lot to find out some Perl REPL, but now this thing is "fashionable". You actually may choose among:
(Obviously, there is more: including alternatives that I know of but don't remember an appropriate link and probably others that I've never heard about.)
Some knowledgeable guys have written about that as well.
and, from times to times, we see comments popping up here and there that touches this kind of tool (eg. tokuhirom with I wrote Test::ShellPerl).
Unfortunately, I have been a bit careless about Shell::Perl (pirl) in the last months. But it is far from abandoned, as I discover more people using it.
Have a thought about that? Please, share.
deckard on 2007-08-31T06:39:15
i use zoid.Re:Pirl
steph on 2007-08-31T11:53:00
Thanks for recording me that. I wanted to play with it, but checking now, it does not build for cygwin (both 5.8.8, and 5.8.7). Looking closer, I just found negative interactions between open OUT, ">$to" and having perms 444 on $to, leading to close OUT dying! (file b/Config.PL in zoid distro). Thanks again as I am chasing a bug relating to filesystem-handling routines on cygwin, and this could be related somehow.
cheers --stephan
Re:Bad URL
ferreira on 2007-08-31T15:18:36
Must be fixed now. Thanks.Re:Bad URL
stu42j on 2007-08-31T15:24:14
Nope, still broke.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REPLRe:Bad URL
mr_bean on 2007-09-05T02:21:56
It's fixed now, but the Devel::REPL one is broken.
It's not http://search.cpan.org/dist/Devel-Perl
It's http://search.cpan.org/dist/Devel-REPL
Person 1: Python (Django specifically) has a feature where if an exception is thrown, it drops you into a REPL.
Person 2: I wonder how hard it would be to add that to Perl.
Person 3: Depends on how sick and twisted you want to get.
Thus, Carp::REPL was born.