Web::Scraper talk in YAPC::Europe 2007

brian_d_foy on 2007-08-29T11:33:00

The talk went really well, with positive feedbacks from lots of people. The only problem is that I spent too much time (10 minutes) introducing the problem and had only 3 minutes to do the demonstration. Should have done the reharsal :/

The slides is available at http://www.slideshare.net/miyagawa/webscraper

I realize that the code snippet is displayed in funny fonts because I use Consolas with my powerpoint. Trying to reupload the file with Courier New. UPDATE: Now re-uploaded!

Neat stuff

stu42j on 2007-08-29T15:26:14

The longer code examples are pretty much unreadable on the slide share. Web::Scrapper looks pretty cool though. I particularly like the idea of having a CLI. Wish I had seen this a few weeks ago.

Re:Neat stuff

miyagawa on 2007-08-29T16:16:58

To me the longer code is still readable as long as you can fullscreen it. Or at least you can download the original file as .ppt format. So if you have a viewer that can read powerpoint files ...

Yeah, I pretty much like the idea of CLI which I actually came up the day before the talk (yesterday), which turned out to be really useful for toying.

thanks for the talk!

florian on 2007-08-29T18:07:52

i really enjoyed your talk and will definitely use your module the next time i have to do some web scraping.

thanks again for your talk and keep it up. i hope you got the needed energy to maintain all your modules (the slide with the listing was particularly impressive ;) )
