kmccombs writes "April's meeting of Mad Mongers features JT Smith presenting on WebGUI. WebGUI, an open source content management system, is built purely on Perl. Developed to run enterprise web environments, WebGUI is easy to use, extremely powerful, and easily customized. JT will discuss developing for WebGUI, highlighting its benefits through a demonstration of the system. This is an excellent opportunity for Perl programmers to learn about developing for WebGUI from one of the creators of the cms himself.
JT Smith is President of Plain Black Corporation, the makers of WebGUI. WebGUI is currently used as an intranet application framework in several Fortune 500 companies and runs countless websites around the world. Downloaded over 5000 times each month, it is one of the most popular open source content management systems available.
What: Mad Mongers
When: April 11, 2007 at 7:00pm CDT
Where: Madison Public Library, Room 202"