The Perl 6 Design team met via phone on 15 November 2006. Larry, Damian, Allison, Patrick, Jesse, Nicholas, and chromatic attended. These are the notes:
- read through the objects notes from the hackathon
- they were fantastic
- I made some comments on those
- going through Parrot Porters mail to catch up again
- mostly caught up
- will review some design proposals from Bob Rogers tonight
- still working on the IO PDD
- probably needs a lot more work, but I'll finish the two more things I
said it needed
- we can work out things as we implement it
- I'll take next week off to do Parrot hacking
- obviously design documents
- it'd be nice to work some code in there
- maybe I'll work on Patrick's new PAST and POST for Punie
- it'll be much better then
- I'm working on variables and arrays today
- shortly after that, I'll work on loops
- they're sort of useless without variables
- tried to hang out online for the hackathon as much as possible
- checked in the new PAST implementation
- I really like it
- I've played with it for the Perl 6 compiler and an implementation of bc
- the implementation is fairly language independent
- doesn't have too much Perl 6 stuff in the code generation
- continuing to work on that and answer questions on the list
- are there Parrot things that are blocking you?
- tracking down an oddity in Parrot
- nothing blocks me so much, except that occasionally I have to back up
- see the issue with the Capture PMC
- it's a little frustrating to have so many workarounds
- there's plenty to do
- nothing is really blocking me per se
- I'm filing these as bugs as we go
- I solved the problem in the POD spec
- will release the final draft today to p6l
- that will include an implementation of the parser and Perldoc to XHTML
- the parser is very solid
- easy to write translators
- works nicely
- still a little bit slow, but I'll optimize later
- very pleased with how it's come together
- the document itself is approximately 2000 lines long, all written in
- very cool to see it turn into XHTML fairly robustly
- still working full time
- using Perl 6 on my job
- trying to keep a finger in every pie that's out there
- trying to make sure that things converge, rather than diverge
- looking after Pugs stitching in the metaobject protocol and MiniPerl6
- received an interesting mail from one of the authors of the Traits paper
- he wants to know how we handle state conflicts
- haven't responded to him yet
- hackathon was a success
- I fixed a lot of tests
- we now have a new release out
- we started with six Parrot hackers
- by Saturday night, eight more people had contributed in some way
- I'm curious to see what happens with the new Parrot release
- I talked to Flavio and Audrey about what I might need to write a Parrot
emitter for MiniPerl6
- they're pretty tired after the Brazil hackathon
- I figured so
- they seemed pretty amenable, so I think we've resolved it