YAPC::NA 2006 videos online

brian_d_foy on 2006-11-10T14:10:00

Just in time for the Chicago Hackathon, I'm releasing the first YAPC::NA 2006 videos.

This release is the first 5 video-narrated presentations. More videos will be released in the coming weeks. Subscribe to the Atom or iTunes feed to get them when they're hot.

These videos include the slides captured directly from the speaker's laptop to maximize the like-being-thereness. The presentations were captured with my company's pre-release software. Much thanks are due to Requisite Variety who generously volunteered their videography services at the conference!

If you are a Bittorrent aficionado, please consider seeding the videos! The .torrent files are conveniently bundled in a tarball. To mirror, create an empty folder, unpack that archive in it, and run: btlaunchmanycurses.py.

Thank you!

amoore on 2006-11-10T16:03:18

Excellent, Chris. Thanks a bunch!

Ego surfing++

jjore on 2006-11-10T18:09:13

Woot! You rock Chris!

Re:Ego surfing++

eggzeck on 2006-11-11T01:11:49

Yes, this is great. Thank you. :-)


jjore on 2006-11-11T22:53:25

My Windows BitTorrent client from bittorrent.com refuses to touch your files saying: q["C:\Docu...mp4.torrent" is not a valid torrent file (not a valid bencoded string).]

Comments on the Atom feed

Aristotle on 2006-11-11T23:21:02

That Atom feed is somewhat suboptimal.

  • type="text" is basically just inline text. You should expect no particular formatting. (Saying type="text" is the same as omitting it altogether, btw.) Using type="text/plain" is more appropriate in that case. Note however that this is only valid for the <content> element. Your most interoperable bet is to stick the whole thing in type="html" with <pre> tags in the HTML.

  • Further, you could include <link rel="enclosure" ... /> links in the entries, which are the Atom equivalent to RSS’s <enclosure> tag.

Re:Comments on the Atom feed

ChrisDolan on 2006-11-13T17:08:35

Thanks VERY much for the feedback. I fixed the content tag. I will also add the enclosure links in the next version.

Man, I've really learned a lot in this project!!!