Planet Catalyst in Japanese

brian_d_foy on 2006-10-22T18:28:00

I've been noticing that a lot of Japanese bloggers have been blogging about Catalyst, so I asked jwang++ to set up a Japanese language Planet Catalyst in addition to the English version.

Even if you don't read Japanese, you might find the code examples intriguing. If you find something that looks particularly interesting, I'll translate it and post it (with the permission of the original author).

Finally, if you'd like to have your blog included, please let us know (#catalyst-dev on

Thanks to all the contributing bloggers!

On an unrelated note

himitsuheiki on 2006-10-28T19:20:37

Hi, I didn't know you were able to read Japanese. Perhaps the jrock in jrockway is japanese rock?

Re:On an unrelated note

jrockway on 2006-10-31T18:44:42

> Perhaps the jrock in jrockway is japanese rock?
Nope, just a coincidence :)
My real name is Jonathan Rockway.


nigelvrm on 2006-11-16T20:20:00

Wow, a Japanese version? Cool. What other languages are available? Or can we use any language we like? I'm a newbie here so I don't really know much about this. Thanks for the info!


jrockway on 2007-02-01T17:12:29

Sorry for the delay in replying -- you should ask the catalyst-dev@ mailing list for more info. If there are a few people that want to blog in your language, we'll create a new planet for that language.