2006 3rd Quarter Grant Votes

davorg on 2006-08-22T10:35:00

The latest round of grant voting has ended and I've informed all of the applicants of the status of their grant application. Two grants were approved this quarter Porting PyYAML to Perl and Mango, a Web 2.0 ecommerce application built using the Handel and Catalyst frameworks.

The PyYAML port is to be done by Ingy (Brian Ingerson) and was approved because frankly, YAML support in Perl ain't all that great and there are few better qualified that Ingy to get this done right.

The Mango application will be put together by Christopher Laco. The committee really liked this proposal in large part because it will be a great app that could have widespread potential outside of the Perl community. Many folks were initially drawn to Perl because they found useful code written in Perl and naturally turned toward the language. We'd like to continue that.

As usual, TPF would love to hear your feedback on these.