Perl 6 Summary: 2006-02-13 through 2006-02-28

jesse on 2006-07-09T22:08:00

Starting with this update, Ann Barcomb will be writing the Perl 6 summaries. Her plan is to release new issues on Sundays, initially dealing with the backlog at a rate of one month per week, and eventually returning to posting a summary of the previous week on a weekly basis.

[Edit: Outdated 2003-era Parrot content removed. -- Jesse 10 July 2006]

The proposed schedule is:

  • July 9th: February (from 13th)
  • July 16th: March
  • July 23th: April
  • July 30th: May
  • August 6th: June
  • August 13th: July
  • August 20th: August (till 19th)
  • August 27th: Resume normal schedule

Compiler (perl6-compiler)

Making Pugs aware of Parrot

Peter Schwenn requested a concrete example settings to make Pugs aware of Parrot. Beau Cox replied with step-by-step instructions.

Difficulty installing Pugs on Cygwin

Syed Uzair Aqeel reported a Cygwin problem with finding package plugins when creating a makefile. Audrey made a suggestion.

Installation failure of Pugs revisions 9188 and 9204

Beau Cox reported that the 9188 revision of Pugs failed to pass smoke tests and install, and that the problem persisted with Pugs 9204 even after a reinstall of ghc and Haskell. Beau wrote a makefile patch, which also worked for chromatic, who had experienced the same problem.

Internals (parrot-porters)

Ed.: It turns out that the summaries in this section were mistakenly from 2003. This space will be filled with corrected summaries as they become available. Sorrie!

Language (perl6-language)

Typo Alert: Synopsis 5

Amos Robinson found a typo and Luke Palmer promptly corrected it.

Implementation of :w in regexes and other regex questions

David Romano asked some questions on extending the Rules domain specific language, the semantics of whitespace skipping, and negated matching semantics. Luke Palmer replied and explained that the extensions were not yet specified, and recommend possible solutions to the other two questions. Discussion ensued.

Overloading the variable declaration process

Darren Duncan wondered if he could get default values in variables instead of undef, in order to avoid calling the constructor, by simply annotating the type of the variable. Audrey Tang explained that a similar construct is available. This was followed by a discussion on the subject of class prototypes as default values for typed variables, as well as philosophical issues.

Instance attributes collision

Yiyi Hu asked what happens when different sigil attributes with the same name are declared in a single class. Various participants debated the merits of errors versus warnings.

CODE {...} mentioning variables without interpolation

Brad Bowman asked about the semantics of quasiquoting and variable interpolation for Perl 6's Macro language. Larry Wall explained the semantics of AST binding, the caller's scope, interpolating ASTs into the macro, and the COMPILING:: variable prefix. This was followed by a comment on Brad's signature about intelligence and good sense.

Selective String Interpolation

Brad Bowman wanted to know if string interpolation and escaping could be optimized for creating strings of Perl code that selectively interpolate. Ideally he would be able to declare which variables are interpolated. He also mentioned closure interpolation and how it does not work well when quoting strings of code. Many people provided ideas, covering Lisp and Ruby, backslashes, and custom quote operators.

Some newbie questions about Synopsis 5

H. Stelling asked about Rule capture numbering, aliasing semantics, and nested subpattern details. Patrick R. Michaud clarified and the capture numbering scheme was discussed.

Named Subroutine return values

Joe Gottman wanted to know if subroutine declarations without an explicit declaration type (my, our) can be annotated with a return value type. Damian Conway replied that the returns trait can used regardless of the declaration syntax. Luke Palmer and Larry Wall discussed the exact semantics of our Type sub foo, --> and returns style return type declarations.

S02: Reserved namespace ops

TSa asked what reservations the design team had about the various uses of the reserved syntax for type subscripting. Larry Wall reserved his right to silence, adding that he thought that is reserved means "we don't have the foggiest idea what we'll do with this, but we have a suspicion that if we let people use this particular thing right now, we'll regret it someday." The official status of the various items in the notes/ directory was clarified -- they are considered to be unofficial.

Synopsis 29 patch

Larry Wall posted a patch for Synopsis 29, recognizing it as official. Ruud H.G. van Tol followed up with questions about a round function, and pi/atan/atan2.

Synopsis 29 and Complex numbers

Jonathan Lang noted that Synopsis 29 deals with complex numbers when describing the sqrt function, but omitted others. He proceeded to list the functions which require special handling of complex numbers. Several people commented.


chromatic recruited me at YAPC::NA 2006, and Jesse Vincent proposed this task. Audrey Tang helped me to get started and reviewed this summary, and Yuval Kogman assisted with the Language section.

If you appreciate Perl, consider contributing to the Perl Foundation to help support the development of Perl.

Comments on the summary can be sent to

See also

This business just doesn't have a future

qu1j0t3 on 2006-07-10T07:03:51

Hmm, link shortening services. Let me count the ways they weaken the web:
* will eventually break (see TOS)
* are another point of failure anyway
* are a privacy liability
* give no hint at destination (ph1sh, much?)
* contain no identifying information, so when they do expire, you're totally hosed
* are not a permanent, unique identifier

Besides, there's no actual rationale for using them here. URLs can be as long as you wish in this medium.

Re:This business just doesn't have a future

audreyt on 2006-07-10T07:24:17

All agreed (and indeed that was just following previous summaries's examples). However, hough 123-characters URLs is a bit too long.

After some discussion on #p5p, there seem to be a middle path: Link to the full URL, but display the address as textual content between anchor tags. Does that sound plausible, or even more insane? :-)

Re:This business just doesn't have a future

audreyt on 2006-07-10T07:25:43

Or, alternately, make the headings themselves links, and remove explicit links-as-texts altogether. Saner? :)

Yay! :-)

hummassa on 2006-07-10T15:38:33

Now _that_ is saner.

Re:This business just doesn't have a future

chromatic on 2006-07-10T17:53:01

My heart would sing a little more if explicit links as texts went away everywhere for good.

short links do no harm

ferreira on 2006-07-10T17:53:35

P5P summaries also use short links, so that 123-characters-long URLs (like audreyt said) are avoided. These are also used in the summaries as sent to perl5-porters and perl5-summary mailing lists. Both, mailing lists and use.perl are considered transient sources of readable information. In P5P case, the summaries are archived with full URLs at assuring the permanence of these. (Well, as long as the archives themselves they point to survive.)

Re:This business just doesn't have a future

ask on 2006-07-12T20:33:11

> will eventually break (see TOS)

We haven't actually ever deleted any URLs, and when we do we'll make sure that the expiration logic doesn't expire any of the links used in the summaries. Likely then the web crawlers will keep them "in use" for us.

> are another point of failure anyway

The reason we made the service in the first place was so the Perl community would have one that'd be as dependable (or not ;-) ) as the services we run.

> are a privacy liability

That's sorta goofy. If you feel that way then you should probably unsubscribe from the lists, disable your email address and not use any of the sites we host anymore. (The httpd running Metamark is on the same server as and many other sites). :-)

(I should add a note to on our privacy policy though...)

  - ask

Re:This business just doesn't have a future

ask on 2006-07-12T20:33:50

Oh -- all that being said, I agree it's better to use the full link when linking from websites. :-)

  - ask

none of these links work for me

grumpY! on 2006-07-10T19:55:40

what is the secret handshake?

Please disregard parrot summaries

leo on 2006-07-10T21:30:34

It's all outdated and as far I've checked from 2003.

Re:Please disregard parrot summaries

audreyt on 2006-07-11T03:02:15

Oopsie. Thanks for pointing it out!

Sorry for being a sloppy reviewer, I'll try to do better next time. :-( Meanwhile, obra++ has Ed'ed the contents away.