French Perl Workshop 2005

pudge on 2005-04-21T03:35:00

Maddingue writes "The Marseilles Perl mongers are proud to announce that the second edition of the French Perl Workshop will be held at Marseilles, France on June 9 and 10, 2005.

The French Perl Workshop is the occasion for people to meet and talk about Perl -in French. People who have done interesting things, people who are working on the language itself, people who are using it daily, and people who are looking to learn about it, will all be there within arm's reach. Some of the greatest authors and developpers in the field will be on hand to speak about their work and projects, to level them to anyone, from newbies to gurus.

Do join with us for these two days of listening, talking and learning about Perl in the University of Luminy (Faculté des Sciences de Luminy), surrounded by creaks, lavender and cicadas.

As a special event, the Perl6/Parrot/Pugs hack-a-ton co-organized with the Austrian Perl Workshop.

For more information (venue, registration fees, sumiting a talk, etc), please visit the the web site."