Fulko Hew writes "The Toronto Perl Mongers group is proud to announce the availability of audio recordings of our sessions. We are providing them:
- to share our wealth with the rest of the world, for the benefit of all mankind.
- in the hope that more people will come out to our meetings,
- encourage other groups to record and share their wealth too.
I also hope to encourage the Perl community to create a central repository where we can all archive this stuff. A place with a lot of disk space, and a lot of bandwidth. If anyone has suggestions, or can volunteer such a web server, let me know.
Also I'd like to get feedback regarding the usefulness, or uselessness of what we are trying to do.
Send your bouquets or brickbats to fhew3 at cogeco dot ca."
kennyg on 2005-04-12T03:25:53
Check out
http://ourmedia.org/. They'll host your media, forever, or so they claim.
Internet Archive
yDNA Barak on 2005-04-13T04:08:21
Open Source Audio Archive is where it's at.