davorg writes "I've spent a lot of time over the last couple of weekends tidying up stuff in the xml file that contains details of all of the Perl Mongers groups. I've removed a few duplicate groups (not sure how we got duplicate groups) and updated a lot of group leaders' details. Unfortunately, I've also had to mark a few groups as 'inactive,' but on the upside we're still getting a constant trickle of new groups so the total number is staying about the same. There are, however, still a couple of hundred groups whose status is unknown. These are the groups that I got no response from when I tried to contact them a couple of years ago. If you're a member of a Perl Monger group that isn't listed here then please email me and let me know about your group. Or if there's any other kind of strangeness that you find in the xml file, I'd love to know about that too."