TPF Grant for 1st Quarter 2004

KM on 2004-03-31T02:21:00

Gavin writes "The Perl Foundation is proud to announce the latest grant aimed at furthering development in Perl, Simon Cozens wil l receive $1000 to enhance Maypole.

Maypole is a new Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework for web applications, similar to Java's Struts, but designed for minimal coding and maximal flexibility. Many Perl programmers would save many hours when faced with developing yet another web front-end to a database without requiring much code. A Perl equivalent of the popular Struts framework w ould fit the needs of more heavy-duty users. This grant will involve work with existing Maypole users to determine and meet their needs; to develop view and template classes for HTML::Mason and DBIx::SearchBuilder; completion of the Maypole manual, and development of example sites.

The Perl Foundation"