TPF Grants for Perl6::Rules and a new Debugger

KM on 2004-03-21T03:21:00

gav writes "Back in December The Perl Foundation awarded three grants. Damian Conway was given a grant to complete Perl6::Rules. Mark Jason Dominus recieved two grants, the first to embark on a replacement Perl debugger, and the second to finish support for lexically scoped pragmas.

More information can be found in the Press Release."

Wonderful news!

ajs on 2004-03-23T04:32:19

The entire suite of Perl6::... modules are really helping folks like myself get a feel for new features. I think a lot of the aprehension over Perl 6 has be born out of lack of understanding, and more complete implementations of core Perl 6 features in Perl 5 will certainly help to eliminate that class of problem.


Dominus on 2004-03-26T14:39:13

For complete details about exactly what I proposed to do, and why, please see my TPF folders.

Right now the proposals are the only things there, but as I get more work done, I'll deposit code and other materials in those directories.

I expect to start work at the beginning of May.


lemmett on 2004-05-21T22:16:03

In the debugger proposal you say: "A debugger that can be stepped backwards is probably impossible."

I can't supply you with the details, but I know that in the mid-to-late eighties several grad students at Montana State University got their degrees with thesis work that involved building several generations of a compiler/interpreter for Pascal called Dynamod that allowed the user to step backwards while running the code.

I don't know how much if any of that work could be pulled across to Perl, but Rocky Ross ( was the faculty sponsor for the research.