This Week on perl5-porters (16-22 February 2004)

rafael on 2004-02-23T12:45:00

This week is to be filed in the category "busy" for the Perl 5 porters. Read about new optimisations, new ideas, new warnings, bugs, fixes, and other future plans for the next major version of Per 5.

A couple of optimisations

Paul Johnson revamped the internal OP structure so that optrees now take less memory (while the speed impact is not mesureable.) This is going only in bleadperl, because, obviously, it breaks binary compatibility. 

Dave Mitchell continues his series of impressive patches by extending the AELEMFAST optimisation to lexical arrays. This optimisation was already in place for global arrays, to access an element where the index is an integer constant between 0 and 255. As a result, access to fixed elements of lexical arrays seems to be faster by a factor of 50%. 

read() return value and EOF

Michael Bell reports (as bug #26787) that read() can return 0 on Linux even when not at end-of-file, when under a high system load. It is a bug in perl, or a misfeature, or a bug in Linux? Should read() return undef on EOF? .org 

Reopening a STD filehandle

Stas Bekman reports (bug #26670) that perl (with the PerlIO implementation, default since 5.8.0) seems to handle dup(2) badly when some STD streams are closed, emitting an obscure warning Filehandle STDOUT reopened only for input (or the inverse). Nick Ing-Simmons points out that this is in fact expected behaviour: since STDOUT was closed, the next open() reuses filehandle number 1, which is, by definition, STDOUT (in perl and in C); so perl, here, warns about a potential bogus situation. Nick's advice is to reopen a closed STD handle to /dev/null. 

Autovivification of an assignment

Ton Hospel notices (bug #26866) that the autovivification of hash and array references does not seem to happen consistently. For example, this is valid:

    $u = undef; $x = $u->{foo}

but this dies with a fatal error:

    $x = ($u=undef)->{foo}

Nicholas Clark points out that this is probably the same problem that was reported as bug #18635.$jf8$1%40post.home.lunix 

A prototype for defaulting to $_

Continuing a thread from last week, a proposal to extend the prototype syntax was discussed: a new prototype character, _, could stand for optional value that defaults to $_. For example, a function that takes a list as a parameter, but that uses $_ if passed the empty list, could have the prototype sub mychomp(_@). However, this implies that the prototypes of built-ins would change.

The complete thread: 

New warning

The dubious construct

    my $foo = $bar if $condition;

(and other equivalent ones) now produces a deprecation warning, thanks to Dave Mitchell. (See our previous episodes for details).

Miscellaneous Bugs

Jamie Lokier reports (bug #26909) that in a (?{...}) regular expression block, lexical variables are captured, just like in closures, but without warning the user as of 5.8.0. This lack of warning is fixed in recent perls.

He also reported (as bug #26910) that use strict 'vars' doesn't seem to be active in (?{...}) blocks.

Sean O'Rourke reported that calling a subroutine f() recursively with goto &f leaks memory, and suggests that it may come from lexicals not being freed. (Bug #26959.)

In Brief

Rafael announced that he plans to make a new developement release of perl, 5.9.1, in March.

Meanwhile, Leon Brocard released perl 5.005_04 RC2. 

Brendan O'Dea sent a batch of patches that he applied to the Debian 5.8.3-2 release of perl. 

Russ Allbery released Term::ANSIColor 1.08. MIME::Base64 3.00, which was released a while ago, was also integrated into the perl distribution.

About this summary

This summary was written by Rafael Garcia-Suarez. Weekly summaries are published on and posted on a mailing list, which subscription address is . (I've been trying to use gmane ( ) as a message archive, but it's horribly slow.) Corrections and comments are welcome.

Faster by a factor of 50%?

Mark Thomas on 2004-02-25T13:45:46

As a result, access to fixed elements of lexical arrays seems to be faster by a factor of 50%

Wouldn't that be half as fast? My guess is that you mean "50% faster" or equivalently, "faster by a factor of 1.5"