nicholas writes "Larry Wall released Perl 1 on this day in 1987, so today Perl is 16 years old. Happy birthday Perl! You can read more about the timeline of Perl releases in perlhist.pod and at" Happy birthday Perl. You are now old enough to get a US drivers license.
Re:Birthday Gifts
Juerd on 2003-12-18T19:08:47
Good idea.
I just donated and would like to encourage others to do the same. Let's see how many "12/18/2003" we can get here./me hates MDY formats, by the way. Use YMD or DMY. MDY makes no sense, just like DYM.
Today is 2003-12-18.Re:Birthday Gifts
VSarkiss on 2003-12-18T21:59:08
MDY makes no sense.It does if you read it as "December 18, 2003", which is how most American English speakers do.
Re:Birthday Gifts
jdavidb on 2003-12-18T22:09:48
It "makes sense" to an American ear, but it does not make sense from a logical standpoint. The fields in a date value should be arranged in either ascending or descending order by significance. In MDY format the second value has less significance than the first, but then the third has greater significance than either one. So while it "makes sense" to me, it's not consistent.
Re:Birthday Gifts
djberg96 on 2003-12-19T00:29:07
Use military format - 12-DEC-2003.:) Re:Birthday Gifts
davorg on 2003-12-19T06:45:20
Use the ISO standard - 2003-12-19 - that way you can sort it.Re:Birthday Gifts
Purdy on 2003-12-19T18:53:19
I thought the military used YYMMMDD (ie: 03DEC19) (or at least, that's what some military dude told me one time). I always thought that was kinda silly, tho, since 03DEC03 can be kinda ambiguous if you don't know the format as well as the whole Y2K thing.Re:Birthday Gifts
djberg96 on 2003-12-22T15:39:29
I've never seen it that way. The format I gave is used specifically to prevent possible confusion, both for own guys and our European allies. At least, that's always been my assumption.Re:Birthday Gifts
vsergu on 2003-12-19T20:16:02
DMY and MDY are equally bad in an international context, because both are ambiguous (as is YMD if you use a two-digit year). Either use an abbreviated month or use the ISO format.
And even worse than MDY on that page is the use of "0:38 am" and the like. It should be either "00:38" or "12:38 am".
Re:I'm flabberghasted!!
ct on 2003-12-21T02:35:04
I can't tell from your comment. Which is your true love? Brad Pitt or Christina Aguilera?Re:I'm flabberghasted!!
RGiersig on 2003-12-21T02:44:07
What a question! Perl of course is my One True Love!!:o) Tss... *ggg*
Re:I have a gift for Perl on its birthday.
Blair P. Houghton on 2003-12-21T07:10:49
Sorry. Perl-5.8.2. I've been saying 2.8.2 all day. That's what happens when you have to run Configure four times interactively and hit all the places it doesn't check the availability of a feature before making you commit. (It's a lot like playing Space Ace, only now it costs a lot more than a quarter for the ten minutes per iteration...) Maybe I should download perl-1.0.16. It could turn out to be perl-5.8.3-beta...
Happy birthday Perl. You are now old enough to get a US drivers license.
In some states, at least. In New Jersey, as a counterexample, Perl is now old enough to get a driver's permit, will be old enough to get a provisional license next year, and will be old enough to get a full license at eighteen.
Now whether or not Perl is used in any automotive computer systems is another question...